Green Smoothie


Recently one of my friends has been making green smoothies. I was curious to see what these tasted like, so I went about and decided to make one. There are many different fruits/green combinations but in this recipe, I decided to use spinach, bananas and orange juice.

Green Smoothie (1 serving)
(Recipe adapted from my friend)

1/2 of a banana
1 1/2 c. orange juice
1 handful of spinach
3 ice cubes

1. Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend for about a minute or so. Pour into a glass and enjoy!

To my surprise, these turned out very good! I would definitely recommend this to everyone!


One thought on “Green Smoothie

  1. Love that combo – although I replace the honey with some berries 🙂 Same like you I had no idea that the smoothies would taste so good – my new addiction!

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